W Polsce, czyli gdzie? /In Poland, where is it?

If he lived in Brazil today, what works would Kantor make? The impossibility of answering this question motivates the whole creation of OPOVOEMPÉ.

What does Kantor and  Poland have to fuel the questions of the theater we play today? This work establishes bridges between Poland after the Holocaust, that motivated the work of Kantor, and the historical heritage of Brazil.

Brazil, where?

Piece created for the programme of the Exhibition Machine Tadeusz Kantor.


If he lived in Brazil today, what works would Kantor make? The impossibility of answering this question motivates the whole creation of OPOVOEMPÉ.

What does Kantor and  Poland have to fuel the questions of the theater we play today? This work establishes bridges between Poland after the Holocaust, that motivated the work of Kantor, and the historical heritage of Brazil.

Brazil, where?

Piece created for the programme of the Exhibition Machine Tadeusz Kantor.






Galeria de Fotos

Por onde já passou

2016 — Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo

2015 — Máquina Tadeusz Kantor Exhibition - Sesc Consolação, São Paulo

Direção Artística e DramaturgiaCristiane Zuan Esteves
Atrizes CriadorasAna Luiza Leão, Andrea Tedesco, Manuela Afonso, Paula Possani
Trilha SonoraPedro Semeghini
IluminaçãoGrissel Piguillem
FotosFelipe S Cohen
Produção ExecutivaAnayan Moretto
Rider TécnicoMapa de Luz / Rider de Som
